This is my newest character, Johnny Labrat. Picture A is actually a 'copy' of the first drawing I ever did of him. I first drew him in Honors Biology yesterday. And an idea I came up for the guy yesterday during the same class was that maybe he was the often used test subject of some crazy mad scientist, and he was about to be subject to another experiment. Thus came the name Johnny Labrat.

Picture B is one I made today, and it was the outcome of one of the experiments...a lot of his hair falling out. Picture C is another drawing I made of him today, which was the outcome of a different experiment: making Johnny smile. I decided, that like Mandy from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Johnny should almost never smile. And if he does...well, the results aren't too pretty.

The pictures in pencil are some roughs I made of him today, and the pen drawings are basically roughs that I decided I really liked. And, since I'm scared of people taking my characters, I decided that I should copyright it. 

u have a interesting style of drawing i to want to work in the cartooning industries one day
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